Roger R. Foisy to Speak at CSME Webinar

By Roger Foisy on November 24th, 2022

Roger R. Foisy has been invited to speak at an upcoming webinar for the Canadian Society of Medical Evaluators (CSME) this December 1st, 2022. The webinar will discuss Tips and Strategies when Testifying for Occupational Therapy and Functional Abilities Evaluations.

This webinar will identify to occupational therapists and other medical evaluators how to provide information clearly and objectively when testifying at trial to ensure that you appear credible and make sure the trier of fact will consider your testimony.

Information will focus on functional and in-home evaluations and be relevant to all disciplines when testifying.

Roger will be joined as a presenter at this seminar by Louis Zavodni, clinical director and owner of Total Healthcare Solutions, and Stacey Baboulas, occupational therapist and owner of Stacey Baboulas & Associates. This webinar will be moderated by Dr. Rhonda Nemeth, Ph.D., C. Psych., CMLE (O), C-CAT (MB) of the CSME.

The CSME is the leading national organization of professionals involved in independent medicolegal and clinicolegal evaluations using evidence-based medicine and best clinical practices.

For more information or to register for this webinar, please visit the CSME website. Registration is available for both members and non-members of the CSME.

 Roger R. Foisy, Harpreet S. Sidhu, and Daniel Berman are experienced Ontario Personal Injury Lawyers with extensive experience in motor vehicle accident cases. If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, please get in touch with us for immediate support and a free consultation.

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