Brain Injury Videos

Coping with the Emotional and Psychological Impact of a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

If you’ve experienced a mild traumatic brain injury, it’s important to know that your emotional and cognitive symptoms are completely normal.Here are some ways to cope with a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury:

  1. Take care of your needs.
  2. Understand you will feel a wide variety of emotions.
  3. Seek support from others.
  4. Seek professional help if you’re having trouble meeting the needs of everyday life.
  5. Allow yourself time to grieve.

If you have suffered a mild traumatic brain injury, it is important to remember help is out there for you.

Learn more about the emotional and psychological impact of mild traumatic brain injury in this video.

Finding the Right Team for Your Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Every brain injury is different. Key specialists you may need for your brain injury rehabilitation include:

  1. Family Doctor
  2. Occupational Therapist
  3. Physiotherapist
  4. Neuropsychologist
  5. Speech Language Pathologist
  6. Case Manager
  7. Lawyer

Ensuring you have the right team for your brain injury rehabilitation is the first step toward an optimal recovery.

Learn more about each recovery specialist in this video.

What is a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI)?

70-90% of brain injuries are considered “mild”. It is important to realize, however, that there is nothing “mild” about a traumatic brain injury.Symptoms experienced by brain injury victims may include, but are not limited to:

  1. Physical: headaches, ringing in the ear, dizziness, insomnia, fatigue, trouble with senses
  2. Cognitive: problems with attention, concentration, memory, information processing, reasoning, planning
  3. Emotional: irritability, depression, anxiety, mood swings

Learn more about mild traumatic brain injury in this video.

Why are Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries Often Missed?

Mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI) are often missed by both the injured person and medical practitioners.In the following video, I explain these reasons why mild traumatic brain injury is typically overlooked:

  1. After an accident causing injury, the most obvious physical injuries are prioritized.
  2. An injured person’s behaviour following an incident is not a reliable indicator of the extent of their brain injury.
  3. mTBIs are difficult to test for.

Learn more about each reason in this video.

Accessing Funding for Medical Rehabilitation after Suffering a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in a Motor Vehicle Accident

After a motor vehicle accident, it is best to have a brain injury diagnosed from the beginning in order to receive the appropriate funding. With the right funding, your road to recovery will be financially supported.

3 Classifications for Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries in Ontario

  1. Catastrophic Injury: Lifetime medical and rehabilitation benefits coverage of up to 1 million dollars.
  2. Non-Catastrophic Injury: 10 years of medical and rehabilitation benefits coverage of up to $50,000.
  3. Minor Injury Guideline: Provides medical and rehabilitation benefits coverage of up to $3,500.

Watch the video to learn more.

Initial Client Interview: What Personal Injury Victims Can Expect

Typically, personal injury victims do not have experience with the legal process, and therefore do not know how to proceed after being injured. Of course, seeking medical attention should be your top priority. However, after seeking medical attention, you may wonder whether you will require legal representation.

Watch this video to learn more.

What Is the Settlement Value for My Injury or Illness?

People often believe that settlement value is mostly determined by the extent of the injury. While this is a factor, the most important information is how the injury has impacted your life. In other words, what does the injury prevent you from being able to do and how does this affect you?

Watch this video to learn more.

Preparing for an Insurance Company Independent Medical Examination (IME)

Personal injury clients are often asked to undergo an Independent Medical Examination (IME). IMEs are an independent evaluation of your medical condition conducted by a medical professional.

Questions posed to you may be phrased differently depending on whether the medical examiner was retained by your own lawyer or the insurance company. This video explains how to prepare for an IME conducted for the insurance company and ensure you fully communicate your unique, subjective situation to the medical examiner.

Watch this video to learn more.

Examination for Discovery: What Personal Injury Victims Can Expect

An Examination for Discovery is an important part of the legal process for personal injury victims. It is where parties and their lawyers come together to find out what you (the injured person) will say about their lawsuit at court.

Watch this video to learn more.

What Happens During the Mediation of a Personal Injury Claim?

One of the most effective ways to settle a personal injury claim is during mediation, which can result in a fair settlement of your case without needing to go to trial.

A personal injury claim mediation has five participants:

  1. You (the Claimant)
  2. Your Injury Lawyer
  3. Insurance Adjuster
  4. Insurance Lawyer
  5. Mediator

Watch the video to learn about the process of personal injury claim mediation.