Catastrophic Injury Videos

Catastrophic Impairment FAQs: The Criteria Required to be Determined Catastrophically Impaired

Welcome to the third video of our catastrophic impairment series. In this podcast, Roger R. Foisy, Harpreet Sidhu, Rusald Laloshi, Daniel Berman, and Rutumi Tank from Foisy & Associates discuss how they approach culture and language in their cases.Watch this video to learn more.

Is language a barrier when speaking with healthcare practitioners in catastrophic impairment cases?

How is language a barrier in speaking with healthcare practitioners in catastrophic impairment cases? Watch as Roger Foisy, Harpreet Sidhu, Daniel Berman, and Rutumi Tank discuss this important topic.

Introduction to FAQ About Catastrophic Impairment

Join us for an in-depth exploration of catastrophic impairment determination, unraveling the intricacies of this crucial topic.

What Is Catastrophic Impairment and How Is It Determined?

Explore the factors that matter in the determination of catastrophic impairment in our newest video series.

Introduction to FAQ About Catastrophic Impairment

Join us for an in-depth exploration of catastrophic impairment determination, unraveling the intricacies of this crucial topic.

What Is Catastrophic Impairment and How Is It Determined?

Explore the factors that matter in the determination of catastrophic impairment in our newest video series.

How does a Catastrophic Impairment Designation Impact Accident Benefits Decision-Making?

Discover the critical role of catastrophic impairment in shaping the decision-making process for accident benefits.

What Happens When Someone is Determined to be Catastrophically Impaired?

Explore the significant impacts and benefits that follow when someone is determined to be catastrophically impaired.

How ‘Burn Rate’ Influences How Much Your Catastrophic Impairment Case is Valued

What are the hidden factors that come into play when assessing the value of your catastrophic impairment case? Find out in our latest video!

How Do I Get My Insurance Company to Settle When A Person Is Deemed Catastrophically Impaired?

Learn the essential steps to navigate the settlement process with your insurance company after a determination of catastrophic impairment.

The Importance of Having a Lawyer While Settling Your Catastrophic Impairment Case

Discover the indispensable role of competent legal representation during the process of settling your catastrophic impairment case.


How Are Physical and Mental Impairments Combined to Determine Catastrophic Impairment?

Explore how both physical and mental impairments can be combined to achieve a designation of catastrophic impairment after your injury.

How are mental and behavioural classifications rated for catastrophic impairment?

Our team digs into the specifics of different criterion, how ratings are determined catastrophic, and how the date of your injury can affect your rating.


What are the domains of Criterion 8 in Catastrophic Impairment? Part 2

What are the domains of Criterion 8 in Catastrophic Impairment? Dig into the second part of our summary, where we look at adaptation and persistence and pace.

How is pain considered in a determination of catastrophic impairment?

The answer might surprise you. Watch as Rusald Laloshi, Harpreet Sidhu, and Roger Foisy discuss this important topic.

How are physical impairment determined catastrophic?

Learn how physical impairments like arm injuries or loss of movement are determined catastrophic in our latest video.

What are the domains of Criterion 8 in Catastrophic Impairment?

Watch as we dig into the first two – activities of daily living and social functioning.

What is the difference between whole body and upper extremity impairments?

How are they measured and related to one another? Dig into these details of catastrophic impairment in our latest reel.

What is Criterion 6?

The Foisy & Associates team digs into this criterion and what impairments it covers under catastrophic impairment in our latest reel.

How to incorporate culture into medical testing in catastrophic impairment cases?